Assessing Your Needs

Plan to Protect® provides the HIGHEST STANDARD of abuse prevention and protection to organizations servicing the vulnerable sector!
Our Jubilee care givers have been trained through this program.

Our Resources


Our Jubilee Care Planners

Click Here

Our Jubilee Care Planners are Christian community volunteers who come from one of our many local churches.  While each individual has skills in their individual area of expertise, all our volunteers have had care plan training, have had a police back ground check and have completed Plan to Protect training*. Our Jubilee Care Planners have also been trained in the Restore model of care.

Currently, our Jubilee Care Planning team is researching all possible avenues of available help and support in the Halton Hills Region.  We are able to provide you with access to these resources and the contact information of individuals to walk you through your situation. You may find many of these links here on our website, and we are only a phone call away.
We are well aware that no two situations are the same.  We will make every effort to direct you to those organizations who will help you.

Click Here to find more resources.

Through either a telephone conversation or a one on one visit, the Jubilee Care Planner will work with you to help determine what direction or information will give you the hand up you need.

Jubilee is an initiative developed to provide connections to help individuals and families in our community. It is a program run by Christian volunteers advocating for and helping connect people in distress to those that can help them regain their lives.