​To form a missionalministry for connecting and developing relationships with seniors in our community

  • To bring awareness to the greater Church and Halton Hills community the plight of seniors and the various programs existing to mitigate this plight.
  • To expand this missionalministry as resources and volunteers become available 
  • Gods call to action in scripture. (Click Here)



As per the study "Our Halton 2018 - Seniors"

  • 27% of Halton's population are seniors.
  • The proportion of seniors has increased from 9.5% in 2001 to 13.4% in 2016.
  • Most Seniors are over 85.
  • 20% live alone
  • 17% are clients of food banks.
  • 12% live in poverty
  • Halton Hills has the highest incidence of low-income seniors over 85 at 11.3% and second only to Milton in the 75-84 age bracket​​

These are significant numbers and will continue to grow in all categories. What the numbers don't tell us is the quality of life seniors live, regardless of age or income. 

On average, Canada's aging population is found to live a more active, healthy and financially stable life than those from previous generations. However, seniors today are at an increased risk of being diagnosed with a chronic condition, disability and or mental health illness. Seniors are also at a greater risk of becoming lonely or socially isolated. According to the "2012 International Federation of Aging" report commissioned by the Employment and Social  Development Canada (ESDC), the most prominent issue facing seniors is finding means to become, or remain, socially included and connected to their community. Lack of social relationship, discontent with the quality of such relationships, or low levels of social engagement and participation have damaging effects on the quality of life for our seniors. 

In a report conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, it is estimated that loneliness affects 10% of older adults and is seen to be associated with depression and suicide. 

God's Call to Action 

Get Involved 

Our Seniors... Our Neighbours​​